Letter of Invitation for VISA

We can help if you need a letter of invitation from us

In case you need a letter of invitation from us for the purpose of applying for a United Kingdom visa, the information below is required in order for us to be able to issue one. Unless all of the information is enclosed we cannot issue a letter of invitation.

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Nationality
  • Date of birth
  • Home address
  • Cell phone number
  • Country of residence
  • Address of the English embassy in your country
  • Full name as shown on passport
  • Gender as shown on passport
  • Passport number
  • Passport issuing country
  • Passport expiration date
  • Accommodation info (where are you staying during the conference)
  • Duration of stay

Please note that we can only issue letter of invitations for attendees with a valid and paid registration for the conference.

Please send the information to contact@pgday.uk for processing.

Join Us For PGDay UK 2024

September 11 2024

Cavendish Conference Centre, London, UK

Our Sponsors

PGDay UK would not be possible without our generous sponsors.